Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fix The Economy!

In my opinion the biggest problem that faces America in these trying times is the economy. For the past 4 years the economy has staggered along and has not improved to the level that is needed in order to make America successful again. The unemployment levels are to high as well the number of college graduates that are unable to get quality employment is way to high as well. Until the economy is fixed the country will continue to struggle more people will lose home and jobs. The root of the problem in my opinion is the lack of job growth and the struggling middle class. As long as people are afraid to take that leap and open a new business or are able to find gainful employment this counties economy will continue to limp along. But if the middle class is lifted up and more businesses are creates both small and large the country will be able to regain its place as one of the most respected and successful countries in the world.
            There has been a numerous proposal in this election year on how to lift the middle class and regain successful businesses in American but the one that seems to have a solid chance of success if implemented is Mitt Romney’s 5-point plan. Which states, first that the country needs to get energy independent by 2020. This will create jobs in America for the middle class and stop the jobs from going overseas to another country. Second the trade in America needs to be improved and new opportunities will open for business. This also includes tighter regulations on countries like China who have cheated the system and taken advantage of America. Third education in America needs to improve, if we expect the country to grow and recover the future generations need to be prepared and educated at a higher level. Fourth is to reduce the large deficit that has plagued America and continues to grow at an alarming rate, this can be done by scaling back the overwhelming government involvement in the private sector. In the past years the government has ballooned to large and is too involved in the private sector that it is preventing it from working like it is suppose to. The idea of capitalism is one of the best and most successful ways of operating and is what this country was built on. Government should be a watchful eye but staying at arms length and not imposing crippling regulations on businesses.  Fifth and final is to build up small businesses in America; there are too many regulations and high tax rates that are preventing small businesses from opening and then continuing to stay open. Small business will produce jobs and build the economy but as long as they are regulated and taxed they will continue to fail and file for bankruptcy. This plan is very simple but at the same time addresses the needs that we as a country need to come out of a stagnate economy. 
Believe in America:  Mitt Romney’s Plan for Jobs and Economic Growth, 2011. 
Jobs plan Introduction 2012.


midwagner said...


Unknown said...

I agree that the economy is a key issue, however I question your assertion that the economy has been struggling for four years. We were seeing the affects of some very questionable policies from our former POTUS long before our current one took office. Unfortunately, President Obama has taken bad policies and made them worse.